Starry sky

From the depths of the universe the stars have always inspired the imagination of men

L'envolée d'Englemond

Let yourself be transported in this exceptional collection

Unique pieces

Saraband of creations

Bague "au deux Ailes"
Bague "Nuit étoilée"
Bague Ciel Étoilé n°1

From wax to gold... We are here to create a piece in your image


These suggestions may interest you

Unique pieces

ember collection

Bague Braise n°02
Bague "Reste de feu" n°03

Unique pieces

Adamas Collection

Boucle d'oreilles platine
Bague Adamas n°10
Bague "Trilogie" n°06
Bague Adamas ou "Trilogie"
Solitaire Adamas

Stones selected with
care for unique creations
